Authors |
Disclosure: This page contains for the most part Amazon.com affiliate links attached to each title listed. If you buy a book through one of these links (after clicking on a title or a flag, which will take you to the corresponding Amazon.com page), the owner of this site may get a 5% commission at no additional cost to you. |
- A.R.E. Press: |
- Become Fully Psychic! (DVD)
- An Edgar Cayce Health Anthology  |
- Agee, Doris: |
- Edgar Cayce on ESP  |
- Alimaras, Peter: |
- How to Change Your Mind - Using Modern Psychological Methods and the Wisdom of Edgar Cayce |
- Allen, Eula: |
- Creation Trilogy:
- Before the Beginning
- The River of Time
- You Are Forever |
- Anna, Rose: |
- A Woman's Spiritual Odyssey |
- Anonymous: |
- Change - Edgar Cayce and the I Ching (Booklet)
- A Closer walk - Reflections on John 14-17 from the Edgar Cayce Readings
- An Edgar Cayce Home Medicine Guide
- Edgar Cayce Library Series:
- Vol. 1 : On Life and Death
- Vol. 2 : Meditation, Part I
- Vol. 3 : Meditation, Part II
- Vol. 4 : Dreams and dreaming, Part I
- Vol. 5 : Dreams and dreaming, Part II
- Vol. 6 : Early Christian Epoch
- Vol. 7 : Study Group Readings
- Vol. 8 : Psychic Development
- Vol. 9 : Psychic Awareness
- Vol. 10 : Jesus the Pattern
- Vol. 11 : Christ Consciousness
- Vol. 12 : Daily Living
- Vol. 13 : Attitudes and Emotions, Part I (A - E)
- Vol. 14 : Attitudes and Emotions, Part II (F - L)
- Vol. 15 : Attitudes and Emotions, Part III (M - Z)
- Vol. l6 : Expanded Search for God, Part I
- Vol. l7 : Expanded Search for God, Part II
- Vol.18 : Astrology, Part I
- Vol. 19 : Astrology, Part II
- Vol. 20 : Mind
- Vol. 21 : Soul Development
- Vol. 22 : Atlantis
- Vol. 23 : Egypt at the Time of Ra-Ta, Part I
- Vol. 24 : Egypt at the Time of Ra-Ta, Part II
- The Handbook for A.R.E. Study Groups (Booklet)
- Revelation - A Commentary Based on a Study of Twenty-Three Psychic Discourses by Edgar Cayce
- A Search for God - Book I
- A Search for God - Book II
- A Search for God - Books I and II (50th Anniversary Edition) (Kindle - Audio)
- A Search for God - Book III, Anonymous
- Step by Step - A Guide to A Search for God, Book I
- Think on These Things |
- A.R.E. Press Editors: |
- An Edgar Cayce Health Anthology
- Edgar Cayce's Diet & Recipe Guide (formerly The Normal Diet and A Diet Recipe Guide Based on the Edgar Cayce Readings)
- Edgar Cayce's Egypts
- Edgar Cayce's Famous Black Book |
- Aronson, Linda C.: |
- Big Spirits, Little Bodies |
- Atkinson, David: |
- Hope Springs Eternal |
- Atwater, P.M.H.: |
- We Live Forever |
Baar, Bruce: |
- Electrical Immune Therapy and Alzheiner's Disease
- Electrical Immune Therapy and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
- Electrical Immune Therapy and Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
- Electrical Immune Therapy and Parkinson's Disease
- Experience the Radiac
- The Violet Ray Book |
Baker, M.E. Penny: |
- Meditation, a Step Beyond With Edgar Cayce |
Ballard, Juliet Brooke: |
- Seeker's Trilogy
- The Art of Living (formerly Unto the Hills)
- The Hidden Laws of Earth
- Treasures from Earth's Storehouse |
Baraff, Carol A.: | - Edgar Cayce's Everyday Health |
Baroody, Dr. Theodore: | - Alkalize or Die  |
Baumann, T. Lee: | - God at the Speed of Light
- Window to God |
Beane, Wendell Charles: | - The Truth Within You |
Bloom, Roger: | - Cancer Medicine from Nature  |
Bolton, Brett: |
- An Edgar Cayce Encyclopedia of Foods for Health and Healing (formerly Edgar Cayce speaks of foods, beverages, and physical health). |
Borchers, Jennifer: |
- Facing Myself: Reflections from Past Lives |
Bro, Harmon: |
- Dreams in the life of prayer: The approach of Edgar Cayce
- Edgar Cayce on Dreams
- Edgar Cayce on Religion and Psychic Experience
- Growing Through Personal Crisis
- High Play, Turning On Without Drugs
- A Seer Out of Season  |
Brod, Ruth Hagy: |
- The Edgar Cayce Handbook for Health Through Drugless Therapy (with Harold J. Reilly) |
Brown, James K.: |
- Give God a Chance: Christian Spirituality from the Edgar Cayce Readings |
Bunker, John: |
- Edgar Cayce and the Urantia Book (with Karen Pressler) |
Callahan, Kathy L.: |
- Our Origin and Destiny
- Unseen Hands & Unknown Hearts |
Campbell, Dan: |
- Edgar Cayce on the Power of Color, Stones and Crystals
- Live Well, Sleep Well |
Caputi, Linda: |
- Epilepsy - Jody's Journey |
Carley, Ken: |
- Gems and Stones Based on the Edgar Cayce Readings |
Carlson, Vada: |
- The Great Migration - Emergence of the Americas as indicated in the readings of Edgar Cayce  |
Carter, Mary Ellen: |
- Edgar Cayce on Healing, (with William McGarey)
- Edgar Cayce on Prophecy
- Miss Gladys and the Edgar Cayce Legacy (republished as My Years wirh Edgar Cayce)
- My Years wirh Edgar Cayce (formerly Miss Gladys and the Edgar Cayce Legacy)
- Passage to the Millenium |
Caruso, Dorian: |
- Soul in Progress |
Cataldo, Gerald J.: |
- A Dictionary: Definitions and comments from the Edgar Cayce Readings |
Cayce, Charles Thomas: |
- Love Relationships - A Moving Sea (with Leslie Goodman Cayce).
- The Work of Edgar Cayce as Seen Through His Letters (with Jeanette M. Thomas). |
Cayce, Edgar: |
- The Akashic Records: Blueprint for Your Soul
- Atlantis
- Auras (Booklet)
- Beyond Death - Visions of the Other Side
- Creation and Evolution
- Dreams and Visions
- Earth Changes
- Jesus as a Pattern for Every Soul on Earth
- Meditation, Prayer and Affirmations
- No Death - God's Other Door (with Hugh Lynn Cayce)
- Planetary Influences
- The Power of Your Mind
- The Psychic Sense
- Reincarnation and Karma - A Search for God - Book I
- A Search for God - Book II
- Soul and Spirit
- Spiritual Healing
- What I Believe
Cayce, Edgar Evans: |
- Atlantis - Fact or Fiction? (Booklet)
- Edgar Cayce on Atlantis
- Mysteries of Atlantis Revisited, (with Gail Cayce Schwartzer and Douglas G. Richards)
- The Outer Limits of Edgar Cayce's Power, (with Hugh Lynn Cayce). |
Cayce, Hugh Lynn: |
- Earth Changes Update.
- Dreams, the Language of the Unconscious, (with Tom Clark, Shane Miller and William Petersen)
- Faces of Fear, republished as Edgar Cayce on Overcoming Fear and Anxiety
- Edgar Cayce on Overcoming Fear and Anxiety, (formerly Faces of Fear)
- The Edgar Cayce Reader (No 1)
- The Edgar Cayce Reader (No 2)
- Humor from the Psychic (formerly Humor from the Edgar Cayce Readings)
- The Jesus I Knew - Talks on Christ and the Edgar Cayce Readings
- No Death - God's Other Door (with Edgar Cayce)
- The Outer Limits of Edgar Cayce's Power (with Edgar Evans Cayce).
- Venture Inward  |
Cayce, Leslie Goodman: |
- Love Relationships - A Moving Sea (with Charles Thomas Cayce)
- Story Time with Edgar Cayce (with Karla Peterson) |
Cerminara, Gina: |
- Edgar Cayce Revisited
- Many Lives, Many Loves
- Many Mansions
- The World Within |
Chesney, Inga: |
- Love Song from Beyond: A Voice from the Other Side |
Chiprut, Elliot: |
- Practical Wisdom from Kabbalah |
Church, William: |
- Edgar Cayce's Astrology for the Soul (formerly Astrology and the Edgar Cayce Readings), (with Margaret Gammon).
- Edgar Cayce's Story of the Soul
- The Lives of Edgar Cayce, (formerly Many Happy Returns)  |
Clark, Tom: |
- Dreams, the Language of the Unconscious, (with Hugh-Lynn Cayce, Shane Miller and William Petersen)  |
Clement, Shirley: |
- Beginning the Search for God - Edgar Cayce's Approach, (with Virginia Fields) |
Cline, C. Terry Jr.: |
- The Return of Edgar Cayce |
Cochran, Lin: |
- Beyond Dieting - An Edgar Cayce Program for Permanent Weight Control
- Edgar Cayce on Secrets of the Universe
- Spiritual Secrets of Learning to Love |
Collins, Andrew: |
- Beneath the Pyramids |
Cullis, Ray: |
- Healing Hands, Healing Words |
Curtis, Elyse: |
- Who Was Who: A Past-Life Directory Based on the Edgar Cayce Discourses |
Daily, Dick: |
- The Edgar Cayce Bible Companion.
- Mind Is the Builder, Your Life Is the Result |
Dancey, Samuel: |
- The Tabernacle as a Model for Meditation
Day, Peggy: |
- Edgar Cayce on the Indigo Children (with Susan Gale)
- Soul Parenting (with Susan Gale) |
Delany, Dudley: |
- The Edgar Cayce Way of Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis: Vibratory Medicine |
Denning, Hazel M.: |
- Intuition and Synchronicity |
DiMaggio, Joanne: |
- Edgar Cayce and the Unfulfilled Destiny of Thomas Jefferson Reborn (Kindle) |
Drummond, Richard: |
- A Broader Vision
- A Life of Jesus the Christ
- Love, the Greatest Thing in the World
- Unto the Churches  |
Duggan, Joseph: |
- Edgar Cayce's Massage Hydrotherapy & Healing Oils (with Sandra Duggan) |
Duggan, Sandra: |
- Edgar Cayce's Beloved Fairy Garden
- Edgar Cayce's Guide to Colon Care
- Edgar Cayce's Massage Hydrotherapy & Healing Oils (with Joseph Duggan). |
Dunn, Joseph: |
- Transformed Lives |
Farley, L. Nelson: |
- A Search for God Paraphrased, Books I & II |
Fazekas, Istvan:
- The Alkalizing Diet |
Fazel, Christopher:
- The Edgar Cayce Handbook for Creating Your Future (with Mark Thurston)  |
Feldman, Jayne: |
- Driving Under the Influence of Angels |
Fields, Virginia:
- Beginning the Search for God - Edgar Cayce's Approach, (with Shirley Clement) |
Free, Wynn:
- The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? (with David Wilcock) |
Frejer, B. Ernest:
- The Edgar Cayce Companion |
Fuller, Elizabeth: |
- Everyone is Psychic |
Fuller, John G.:
- Edgar Cayce Answers Life's 10 Most Important Questions  |
Furst, Jeffrey: |
- Edgar Cayce's Story of Attitudes and Emotions
- Edgar Cayce's Story of Jesus
- The Over 29 Health Book
- The Return of Frances Willard
Gabbay, Simone: |
- Edgar Cayce's Diet Plan for Optimal Health and Weight Loss
- Edgar Cayce's Energy Medicine
- Edgar Cayce's Herbal and First-Aid Remedies
- Exercise, Rest, and Sleep
- Healing Foods for Modern Ills
- Healing the Mind and Using the Mind to Heal
- Healing Touch: Edgar Cayce's Advice on Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Therapeutic Massage, and Hydrotherapy
- Healing Touch: Edgar Cayce's Advice on Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Therapeutic Massage, and Hydrotherapy
- Nourishing the Body Temple
- Visionary Medicine, Real Hope for Total Healing |
Gale, Susan: |
- Edgar Cayce on the Indigo Children (with Peggy Day)
- Soul Parenting (with Peggy Day) |
Gammon, Margaret: |
- Astrology and the Edgar Cayce Readings (see Edgar Cayce's Astrology for the Soul)
- Edgar Cayce's Astrology for the Soul (formerly Astrology and the Edgar Cayce Readings), (with W.H. Church)
- Edgar Cayce on Diet and Health, (with Anne Read and Carol Ilstrup).
- The Normal Diet (see Edgar Cayce's Diet & Recipe Guide) |
Geller, Nancy, D.O.: |
- Beyond Goodbye |
Gershom, Rabbi Yonassan: |
- Beyond the Ashes
- From Ashes to Healing |
Glover, Harry:
- Meditation: The Light from Within |
Grant, Robert J.:
- Are We Listening to the Angels? (republished as Edgar Cayce on Angels, Archangels and the Unseen Forces)
- Edgar Cayce on Angels, Archangels and the Unseen Forces (formerly Are We Listening to the Angels?)
- Love and Roses from David
- The Magdalene Diaries
- The Place We Call Home
- Universe of Worlds
Green, Harvey A.:
- Life and Death: The Pilgrimage of the Soul |
Kaehr, Shelley: |
- Edgar Cayce's Egyptian Energy Healing
- Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones |
Kahn, David: | - My Life with Edgar Cayce |
Karp, Reba Ann: | - Edgar Cayce Encyclopedia of Healing |
Keller, Joyce: |
- Why am I Here? |
Kelzer, Kenneth: |
- The Sun and the Shadow |
Kendal, Rachel: |
- Following my Dreams with the Edgar Cayce Readings |
Kirkpatrick, Nancy: |
- True Tales from the Edgar Cayce Archives (with Sidney Kirkpatrick) |
Kirkpatrick, Sidney: |
- Edgar Cayce, an American Prophet
- True Tales from the Edgar Cayce Archives (with Nancy Kirkpatrick) |
Kittler, Glenn: |
- Edgar Cayce on the Dead Sea Scrolls  |
Klein, Edward:
- Soul Search - The Healing Possibilities of Past Lives |
Kliment, Felicia Drury: |
- The Acid-Alkaline Balance Diet |
Kluge, Micki: |
- Reflections of Gladness - A collection of memories of Gladys Davis |
Krajenke, Robert W.: |
- Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible (formerly a three-volume set under the title Edgar Cayce's Story of the Old Testament)
- Edgar Cayce's Story of the Old Testament (formerly titled Bible Trilogy )
- Vol. 1. From the Birth of Souls to the Death of Moses (formerly A Million Years to the Promised Land)
- Vol. 2. From Joshua to the Golden Age of Solomon (formerly Man Crowned King: the Divine Drama Unfolds - Joshua to Solomon)
- Vol. 3. From Solomon's glories to the birth of jesus (formerly Man the Messiah: God's Plan fulfilled - The Kings, Prophets and Rebuilders)
- Spiritual Power Points
- Spiritual Power, Healing Hands (with Malcolm Smith) |
Kukor, David E.: |
- The Miracle Oil - Secrets of Edgar Cayce's Palma Christi Revealed |
LaCroix, Mary: |
- The Plan that Fell from Heaven
- The Remnant
- Sons of Darkness, Sons of Light |
Lane, Barbara:
- Echoes from the Battlefield
- Echoes from Medieval Halls
- 16 Clues to Your Past Lives |
Langley, Noel:
- Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation
- The Hidden History of Reincarnation  |
Lazarus, Jerry: |
- Dreams - Listening to the Voice of God |
Leary, David: |
- Edgar Cayce's Photographic Legacy |
Lehner, Mark:
- The Complete Pyramids
- The Egyptian Heritage (Booklet)  |
LeNoir, Ruth de Cormis: |
- When the Last Trumpet is Sounded |
Leonard, Cheryl: |
- Edgar Cayce Mystic Visionary |
Lewis, Roger:
- Color and the Edgar Cayce Readings (Booklet)  |
Liaros, Carol Ann:
- Edgar Cayce on Auras and Colors, (with Kevin Todeschi)
- Intuition Technologies
- Unlocking Your Intuition |
Little, Gregory L.: |
- The A.R.E.'s Search for Atlantis (Book), (with Lora Little)
- The A.R.E.'s Search for Atlantis (DVD)
- The Ancient Bimini Harbor (DVD), (with Lora Little)
- Ancient South America: Recent Evidence Supporting Edgar Cayce's Story of Atlantis and Mu, (with Lora Little and John Van Auken).
- Edgar Cayce's Atlantis, (with Lora Little and John Van Auken).
- Mound Builders - Edgar Cayce's Forgotten Record of Ancient America, (with Lora Little and John Van Auken)
- Secrets of the Ancient World, (with Lora Little and John Van Auken).
- The Yucatan Hall of Records (DVD) (Streaming), |
Little, Lora:
- The A.R.E.'s Search for Atlantis, (with Gregory Little)
- The Ancient Bimini Harbor (DVD), (with Gregory Little)
- Ancient South America: Recent Evidence Supporting Edgar Cayce's Story of Atlantis and Mu, (with Gregory Little and John Van Auken)
- Edgar Cayce's Atlantis, (with Gregory Little and John Van Auken).
- The Lost Hall of Records, (with John Van Auken)
- Mound Builders - Edgar Cayce's Forgotten Record of Ancient America, (with Gregory L. Little and John Van Auken)
- Secrets of the Ancient World, (with Gregory L. Little and John Van Auken) |
Madsen, Per A.: |
- The Metamorphosis of Charles Mott
- Understanding and Working with Life's Mysteries |
Marcotte, Una: |
- Lemuria: A Civilization Time Forgot |
Margolis, Bette: |
- Alive & Well, Vol.1
- Alive & Well, Vol.2 |
Marshall, Shelly: |
- Your Dream of Recovery |
McArthur, Bruce: |
- The Intelligent Heart, (with David McArthur)
- Your Life - Why it is the way it is and what you can do about it  |
McArthur, David: |
- The Intelligent Heart, (with Bruce McArthur) |
McGarey, Gladys: |
- The Physician Within You (with Jess Stearn)
- There Will Your Heart Be Also (with William McGarey) |
McGarey, William A.: |
- Edgar Cayce on Healing, (with Mary Ellen Carter)
- Edgar Cayce on Healing Foods
- The Edgar Cayce Remedies (1.) (2.) (3.) (4.)
- Heal Arthritis - Physically, Mentally, Spiritually
- Healing Miracles
- Jesus, A Closer Walk
- The Oil That Heals (formerly Edgar Cayce and the Palma Christi)
- Physician's Reference Notebook
- In Search of Healing
- There Will Your Heart Be Also (with Gladys McGarey) |
McMillin, David: |
- Alzheimer's Disease & The Dementias - An Alternative Perspective Based on the Edgar Cayce Health Methods (or: Free PDF version)
- Case Studies in Depression - Based on the Edgar Cayce Health Methods (or: Free PDF version)
- Cases Studies in Schizophrenia - Based on the Edgar Cayce Health Methods (or: Free PDF version)
- Living Nightmares: case Studies in Anxiety (or: Free PDF version)
- Principles & Techniques of Nerve Regeneration - Alzheimer's Disease & the Dementias (Based on the Edgar Cayce Health Methods) (or: Free PDF version)
- The Radial Appliance and Wet Cell Battery: Two Electrotherapeutic Devices Recommended by Edgar Cayce (or: Free PDF version)
- The Treatment of Depression - A Holistic Approach Based on the Edgar Cayce Health Methods (or: Free PDF version)
- The Treatment of Schizophrenia - A Holistic Approach Based on the Edgar Cayce Health Methods (or: Free PDF version) |
Mein, Eric A.: |
- Keys to Health |
Miles, Sheila: |
- An Edgar Cayce Health Primer |
Millard, Joseph: |
- Edgar Cayce, Mystery Man of Miracles  |
Miller, Ruben: |
- Edgar Cayce on the Mysterious Essenes, (with John Van Auken) |
Miller, Shane: |
- The Bible as a Handbook for Understanding Self (Booklet)
- Dreams, the Language of the Unconscious (with Hugh-Lynn Cayce, Tom Clark and William Petersen)  |
Myatt, Dana: |
- A Physician's Diary - Case Histories of Hope and Healing with Edgar Cayce's and Other Natural Remedies |
Pagano, John: |
- Healing Psoriasis
- One Cause, Many Ailments  |
Paine-Clemes, Bunny: |
- Creative Synergy |
Patterson, Doris T.: |
- Be Your Own Psychic, (with Violet Shelley) |
Paulin, Barbara: |
- Path of Promise, Path of Peace |
Petersen, William: |
- Dreams, the Language of the Unconscious, (with Hugh-Lynn Cayce, Tom Clark and Shane Miller)  |
Peterson, Carla: |
- Story Time with Edgar Cayce (with Leslie Cayce) |
Peterson, Richard: |
- In a Waking State
- Miles to Go: The Spiritual Quest of Aging |
Pohle, Nancy C.:
- Awakening The Real You, (with Ellen L. Selover) |
Prata, Kathleen R.: |
- Symbols - Guiding Lights Along the Journey of Life |
Pressler, Karen: |
- Edgar Cayce and the Urantia Book (with John Bunker) |
Puryear, Herbert: |
- The Cycles of Life
- The Edgar Cayce Primer
- How to Meet God Face to Face, (with Mark Thurston and Henry Reed)
- Meditation and the Mind of Man, (with Mark Thurston)
- A Psychology of the Soul
- Reflections on the Path
- Sex and the Spiritual Path
- Why Jesus Taught Reincarnation |
Puryear, Meredith Ann: |
- Healing Through Meditation and Prayer |
Read, Anne: |
- A Diet Recipe Guide Based on the Edgar Cayce Readings, see Edgar Cayce's Diet & Recipe Guide
- Edgar Cayce on Diet and Health, with Carol Ilstup and Margaret Gammon
- Edgar Cayce on Jesus and His Church  |
Redd, Ry:
- Toward a New Astrology: The Approach of Edgar Cayce  |
Reed, Henry:
- Awakening Your Psychic Powers
- Contemporary Cayce, (with Kevin Todeschi)
- Edgar Cayce on Channeling Your Higher Self
- Edgar Cayce on Mysteries of the Mind
- How to Meet God Face to Face, (with Mark A. Thurston and Herbert B. Puryear)
- The Intuitive Heart, (with Brenda English)
- Your Mind - Unlocking Your Hidden Powers |
Reilly, Harold J.: |
- The Edgar Cayce Handbook for Health Through Drugless Therapies (with Ruth H. Brod)  |
Richards, Douglas: |
- Mysteries of Atlantis Revisited, (with Edgar Evans Cayce and Gail Cayce Schwartzer)  |
Robertson, Jon: |
- The Christmas Story as Told by Edgar Cayce.
- The Golden Thread of Oneness |
Robertson, Robin: |
- Your Shadow  |
Robinson, Lytle W.: |
- Edgar Cayce's Story of the Origin and Destiny of Man
- The Great Pyramid and Its Builders
- Is it True What They Say About Edgar Cayce? |
Roche, Richard: | - Egyptian Myths and the Ra Ta Story (Booklet) |
Roger, Lynn: | - Edgar Cayce and the Eternal Feminine |
Runnels, Rachel: | - Marriage and the Home  |
Sanderfur, Glenn: |
- And the Night Shall Be No More
- Edgar Cayce's Past Lives of Jesus: An Amazing Story
- Lives of the Master (also in Portuguese) |
Schwartz, Stephan: |
- The Secret Vaults of Time |
Schwartzer, Gail Cayce: |
- Mysteries of Atlantis Revisited, (with Edgar Evans Cayce and Douglas G. Richards)  |
Sechrist, Elsie:
- Death Does Not Part Us
- Dreams, Your Magic Mirror
- Meditation - Gateway to Light  |
Selover, Ellen L.: |
- Awakening The Real You, (with Nancy C. Pohle) |
Sharma, I.C.:
- Cayce, Karma and Reincarnation |
Shealy, Norman: |
- Blueprint for Holistic Healing |
Shelley, Violet M.: |
- Be Your Own Psychic, (with Doris T. Patterson).
- Journey to Mount Carmel (Booklet)
- Reincarnation Unnecessary
- Symbols and the Self (Booklet)  |
Sherbenou, Judith: |
- Edgar Cayce and A Course in Miracles |
Skidmore, Ken: |
- The Best of the A.R.E. Journal |
Slatton, Traci L. : |
- Piercing Time & Space |
Smith, Malcolm:
- Spiritual Power, Healing Hands (with Robert Krajenke) |
Smith, A. Robert: |
- Hugh Lynn Cayce: About My Father's Business
- The Lost Memoirs of Edgar Cayce - Life as a Seer (republished as My Life as a Seer)
- My Life as a Seer (formerly The Lost Memoirs of Edgar Cayce - Life as a Seer)
- No Soul Left Behind |
Smith, Robert C.: |
- Attitude and Your Life!
- In the Presence of Angels
- Thought Patterns: Change the Ones That Don't Work Create the Ones That Do
- You Can Remember Your Past Lives  |
Sparrow, Lynn: |
- Edgar Cayce and the Born Again Christian (see: Edgar Cayce and Christian Faith below).
- Edgar Cayce and Christian Faith, (formerly Edgar Cayce and the Born Again Christian)
- Reincarnation, Claiming Your Past, Creating Your Future |
St Clair, Mae Gimbert: |
- Individual Reference File of Extracts from the Edgar Cayce Readings, (with Gladys Davis Turner)
- 123 Questions and Answers, (with Gladys Davis Turner) |
Stearn, Jess:
- Edgar Cayce on the Millenium
- Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet
- Intimates Through Time
- A Prophet in His Own Country, the Story of the Young Edgar Cayce
- The Physician Within You (with Gladys Taylor McGarey)
- The Search for the Girl with the Blue Eyes
- Yoga, Youth and Reincarnation |
Steinhart, Lawrence: |
- Beauty Through Health From the Edgar Cayce Readings  |
Stover, Walt: |
- Dreams, my Lamp unto the Darkness |
Sugrue, Thomas: |
- There Is a River
- Stranger in the Earth |
Thomas, Jeanette M.: |
- The Edgar Cayce Plant Encyclopedia (Volume 1)
- The Edgar Cayce Plant Encyclopedia (Volume 2)
- The Work of Edgar Cayce as Seen Through His Letters (with Charles Thomas Cayce) |
Thurston, Mark: |
- Attain Peace and Surrender Fear
- Channeling Your Higher Self (CD) (Audio)
- Discovering Your Soul's Purpose
- Dreams, Tonight's Answers for Tomorrow's Questions
- Edgar Cayce's Guide to Spirituality for Busy People
- The Edgar Cayce Handbook for Creating Your Future (with Christopher Fazel)
- The Essential Edgar Cayce
- Experiments in Practical Spirituality
- Experiments in a Search for God
- The Great Teachings of Edgar Cayce
- How to Interpret Your Dreams: Practical Techniques Based on the Edgar Cayce Readings
- The Inner Power of Silence - A Universal Way to Meditation
- Meditation and the Mind of Man, (with Herbert B. Puryear)
- Millenium Prophecies: Predictions for the Coming Century from Edgar Cayce
- More Great Teachings of Edgar Cayce
- The Paradox of Free Will
- Paradox of Power, see The Paradox of Free Will
- Soul Purpose: Discovering and Fulfilling Your Destiny
- Synchronicity as Spiritual Guidance
- Twelve Positive Habits of Spiritually Centered People (with Sarah Thurston)
- Understand and develop Your ESP
- Visions and Prophecies for a New Age |
Thurston, Sarah: |
- Twelve Positive Habits of Spiritually Centered People (with Mark Thurston) |
Todeschi, Kevin J.: |
- The Best Dream Book Ever
- Contemporary Cayce, (with Henry Reed)
- Divine Encounters (formerly
God in Real Life)
- Dream Interpretation (and more!) Made Easy
- Dream Images and Symbols: A Dictionary
- The Edgar Cayce Ideals Workbook
- Edgar Cayce on Angels and the Angelic Forces
- Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records
- Edgar Cayce on Auras and Colors, (with Carol Ann Liaros)
- Edgar Cayce on Mastering your Spiritual Growth (formerly Soul Development and Edgar Cayce on Soul Growth)
- Edgar Cayce on the Reincarnation of Biblical Characters
- Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation and Family Karma (Russian)
- Edgar Cayce on the Reincarnation of Famous People
- Edgar Cayce on Soul Growth (formerly Soul Development (republished as Edgar Cayce on Mastering your Spiritual Growth)
- Edgar Cayce on Soul Mates
- Edgar Cayce on Soul Symbolism (formerly Soul Signs)
- Edgar Cayce's ESP
- Edgar Cayce on Vibrations
- The Encyclopedia of Symbolism
- God in Real Life (republished as Divine Encounters)
- Mythic Troy
- The Persian Legacy and the Edgar Cayce Material
- The Reincarnation of Clara
- Soul Development (republished as Edgar Cayce on Soul Growth)
- Soul Signs (republished as Edgar Cayce on Soul Symbolism)
- Twelve Lessons in Personal Spirituality |
Trowbridge, Bob: |
- The Hidden Meaning of Illness |
Turner, Gladys Davis: |
- Individual Reference File of Extracts from the Edgar Cayce Readings (with Mae Gimbert St Clair)
- 123 Questions and Answers (with Mae Gimbert St Clair) |
Van Auken, John: |
- Ancient Egyptian Visions of Our Soul Life, John Van Auken (Kindle)
- Ancient South America: Recent Evidence Supporting Edgar Cayce's Story of Atlantis and Mu, (with Lora Little and Gregory Little)
- Ancient Egyptian Mysticism
- Angels, Fairies, Demons And The Elementals
- Born Again & Again
- A Broader View of Christ
- Christ, the Power and the Passion
- Edgar Cayce and the Secret of the Golden Flower
- Edgar Cayce and the Kabbalah
- Edgar Cayce on the Mysterious Essenes, (with Ruben Miller)
- Edgar Cayce on Rejuvenation of the Body
- Edgar Cayce on the Revelation
- Edgar Cayce on the Spiritual Forces Within You
- Edgar Cayce's Approach to Rejuvenation of the Body
- Edgar Cayce's Atlantis, (with Gregory Little and Lora Little)
- Edgar Cayce's Tales of Ancient Egypt
- The End Times
- From Karma to Grace
- 2038: The Great Pyramid Timeline Prophecy
- Jesus, His Words Decoded
- Kabbalah: A Concise Study Guide (Book - Kindle)
- The Lost Hall of Records, (with Lora Little)
- Mayan Toltec Aztec Visions of Our Soul Life
- Mound Builders - Edgar Cayce's Forgotten Record of Ancient America, (with Gregory Little and Lora Little)
- Passages in Consciousness
- Prophecies Converging in our Times (Kindle)
- Reincarnation and Karma - Our Soul's Past-Life Influences
- Spiritual Breakthrough
- Secrets of the Ancient World, (with Lora Little and Gregory Little)
- Toward a Deeper Meditation |
VanLaeys, Emily: |
- Dream Weaving |
Van Vick, Vivian: |
- Anna: Woman of Miracles (with Carol Haenni) |
Van Zwet, Johanna: |
- A Parent's Toolbox for Spiritual Growth (formerly My Kids Grow and So Do I) |
Varga, Josie: |
- Divine Visits |
VonderOhe, Kieth: |
- Edgar Cayce Thoughts for the Day |
Wall, Carly: |
- The Scented Veil |
Welsch, M.K.: |
- Sacred Journey: Edgar Cayce, the Bible, and the Path to Enlightenment |
Weston, Walter:
- How Prayer Heals |
White, John:
- Pole Shift |
Wiitala, Geri Colozzi: |
- Heather's Return |
Wilcock, David:
- The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? (with Wynn Free) |
Williamson, Bobbie:
- Bobbie's Organic Planet |
Willner, John:
- Astrological Revelations
- The Perfect Horoscope |
Wilson, Joan: |
- The Inner Eye |
Wilson, Louis F.: |
- A Universal Pattern of Consciousness |
Winston, Shirley Rabb: |
- Music as the Bridge (Booklet)  |
Woodward, Mary Ann: |
- Be still and Know (Booklet)
- Edgar Cayce's Story of Karma
- Scars of the Soul |
Wright, Charles W.: |
- Charlie's Secret Mission |
 Albanian |  Bulgarian |  Chinese |  Czech |  Danish |  Dutch |  Finnish |
 French |  German |  Greek |  Hebrew |  Hungarian |
 Italian |  Japanese |
Korean |  Polish |  Portuguese |
Russian |  Sinhala |  Slovenian |
Spanish |  Swedish |  Turkish |  Vietnamese |