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- The A.R.E.'s Search for Atlantis, Gregory Little and Lora Little
- The A.R.E.'s Search for Atlantis (DVD), Gregory Little
- The Acid-Alkaline Balance Diet, Felicia Drury Kliment
- The Akashic Records: Blueprint for Your Soul, Edgar Cayce
- Alive & Well, Vol.1, Bette Margolis
- Alive & Well, Vol.2, Bette Margolis
- Alkalize or Die, Dr. Theodore Baroody
- The Alkalizing Diet, Istvan Fazekas
- Alzheimer's Disease and the Dementias - An Alternative Perspective Based on the Edgar Cayce Health Methods, David McMillin (Free PDF version)
- The Ancient Bimini Harbor (DVD), Gregory Little and Lora Little
- Ancient South America: Recent Evidence Supporting Edgar Cayce's Story of Atlantis and Mu, Gregory Little, Lora Little and John Van Auken
- Ancient Egyptian Mysticism, John Van Auken
- And the Night Shall Be No More, Glenn Sanderfur
- Angels, Fairies, Demons And The Elementals, John Van Auken
- Anna: Woman of Miracles, Carol Haenni and Vivian Van Vick
- Are We Listening to the Angels? (re-published as Edgar Cayce on Angels, Archangels and the Unseen Forces), Robert J. Grant
- The Art of Living (formerly Unto the Hills), Juliet B. Ballard
- Astrological Revelations, John Willner
- Astrology, Part I: see Edgar Cayce Library Series, Vol. 18
- Astrology, Part II: see Edgar Cayce Library Series, Vol. 19
- Astrology and the Edgar Cayce Readings, Margaret Gammon (republished as Edgar Cayce's Astrology for the Soul
- Atlantis, Edgar Cayce
- Atlantis: see Edgar Cayce Library Series, vol. 22
- Atlantis - Fact or Fiction? (Booklet), Edgar Evans Cayce
- Attain Peace and Surrender Fear, Mark Thurston
- Attitude and Your Life!, Robert C. Smith
- Attitudes and Emotions, Part I: see Edgar Cayce Library Series, Vol. 13
- Attitudes and Emotions, Part II: see Edgar Cayce Library Series, Vol. 14
- Attitudes and Emotions, Part III: see Edgar Cayce Library Series, Vol. 15
- Auras, Edgar Cayce (Booklet)
- Awakening the Real You, Nancy C. Pohle and Ellen L. Selover
- Awakening Your Psychic Powers, Henry Reed  |
- Be still and Know (Booklet), Mary Ann Woodward
- Be Your Own Psychic, Doris T. Patterson and Violet Shelley
- Beauty Through Health From the Edgar Cayce Readings, Lawrence M. Steinhart
- Become Fully Psychic! (DVD), John Van Auken
- Before the Beginning (Vol. 1 of The Creation Trilogy), Eula Allen
- Beginning the Search for God - Edgar Cayce's Approach, Virginia T. Fields and Shirley G. Clement
- Beneath the Pyramids, Andrew Collins
- The Best Dream Book Ever, Kevin Todeschi
- The Best of the A.R.E. Journal, Ken Skidmore
- Beyond the Ashes, Rabbi Yonassan Gershom
- Beyond Death - Visions of the Other Side, Edgar Cayce
- Beyond Dieting, Linda Cochran
- Beyond Goodbye, Nancy Geller
- The Bible as a Handbook for Understanding Self (Booklet), Shane Miller
- Bible Trilogy: republished as Edgar Cayce's Story of the Old Testament, Robert W. Krajenke
- Big Spirits, Little Bodies, Linda C. Aronson
- Blueprint for Holistic Healing, Norman Shealy
- Bobbie's Organic Planet, Bobbie Williamson
- Born Again & Again, John Van Auken
- A Broader View of Christ, John Van Auken
- A Broader Vision, Richard Henry Drummond |
- The Calling, Kim O'Neill
- Cancer Medicine from Nature, Roger Bloom
- Case Studies in Depression - Based on the Edgar Cayce Health Methods, David McMillin
- Case Studies in Schizophrenia - Based on the Edgar Cayce Health Methods, David McMillin
- Cayce, Karma and Reincarnation, I.C. Sharma
- Change - The Edgar Cayce Readings and the ancient Chinese oracle I Ching (Booklet), Anonymous
- Channeling Your Higher Self (CD), Mark Thurston (Audio)
- Charlie's Secret Mission, Charles W. Wright
- Christ Consciousness: see Edgar Cayce Library Series, Vol. 11
- Christ, the Power and the Passion, John Van Auken
- The Christmas Story as Told by Edgar Cayce, Jon Robertson
- A Closer walk - Reflections on John 14-17 from the Edgar Cayce Readings (Booklet), Anonymous
- Color and the Edgar Cayce Readings (Booklet), Roger Lewis
- Coming Earth Changes, William Hutton
- Commune with the Angels, Jane M. Howard
- Communications from the Other Side, Anthony Quinata
- The Complete Pyramids, Mark Lehner
- Contemporary Cayce, Kevin Todeschi and Henry Reed
- Creation and Evolution, Edgar Cayce
- Creation Trilogy, Eula Allen:
- Before the Beginning (1).
- The River of Time (2)
- You Are Forever (3)
- Creative Synergy, Bunny Paine-Clemes
- The Cycles of Life, Herbert Puryear |
- Daily Living: see Edgar Cayce Library Series, Vol. 12
- Death Does Not Part Us, Elsie Sechrist
- A Dictionary: Definitions and comments from the Edgar Cayce Readings, Gerald J. Cataldo
- Discovering the Soul, Robert G. Jarmon
- Discovering Your Soul's Purpose, Mark Thurston
- The Discovery of Edgar Cayce, Howard Ketchum
- Divine Encounters (formerly God in Real Life), Kevin Todeschi
- Divine Visits, Josie Varga
- Dream Images and Symbols: A Dictionary, Kevin Todeschi
- Dreams, the Language of the Unconscious, Hugh Lynn Cayce, T. Clark, S. Miller and W. Petersen
- Dreams in the life of prayer: The approach of Edgar Cayce, Harmon H. Bro
- Dreams, Tonight's Answers for Tomorrow's Questions, Mark Thurston
- Dream Weaving, Emily VanLaeys
- Dreams, my Lamp unto the Darkness, Walt Stover
- Dreams, Your Magic Mirror, Elsie Sechrist
- Dreams and Dreaming, Part I: see Edgar Cayce Library Series, Vol. 4
- Dreams and Dreaming, Part II: see Edgar Cayce Library Series, Vol. 5
- Dream Interpretation (and more!) Made Easy, Kevin J. Todeschi
- Dreams and Visions, Edgar Cayce
- Driving Under the Influence of Angels, Jayne Feldman |
- Early Christian Epoch: see Edgar Cayce Library Series, Vol. 6
- Earth's Catastrophic Past & Future, William Hutton and Jonathan Eagle
- Earth Changes, Edgar Cayce
- Earth Changes Update, Hugh Lynn Cayce
- Echoes from the Battlefield, Barbara Lane
- Echoes from Medieval Halls, Barbara Lane
- Edgar Cayce, an American Prophet, Sydney D. Kirkpatrick
- Edgar Cayce and A Course in Miracles, Judith Sherbenou
- Edgar Cayce and the Born Again Christian See: Edgar Cayce and Christian Faith, Lynn E. Sparrow
- Edgar Cayce and Christian Faith, (formerly Edgar Cayce and the Born Again Christian), Lynn E. Sparrow
- Edgar Cayce and the Kabbalah, John Van Auken
- Edgar Cayce and the Palma Christi: see The Oil That Heals, William A. McGarey
- Edgar Cayce and the Secret of the Golden Flower, John Van Auken
- Edgar Cayce and the Unfulfilled Destiny of Thomas Jefferson Reborn, Joanne DiMaggio Kindle
- Edgar Cayce and the Urantia Book, John Bunker and Karen Pressler
- Edgar Cayce Answers Life's 10 Most Important Questions, John G. Fuller
- The Edgar Cayce Bible Companion, Dick Daily
- The Edgar Cayce Companion, B. Ernest Frejer
- Edgar Cayce in Context, K. Paul Johnson
- An Edgar Cayce Encyclopedia of Foods for Health and Healing (originally titled Edgar Cayce speaks of foods, beverages, and physical health ), Brett Bolton
- Edgar Cayce Encyclopedia of Healing, Reba Ann Karp
- Edgar Cayce and the Eternal Feminine , Lynn Roger
- The Edgar Cayce Handbook for Creating Your Future, Mark Thurston and Christopher Fazel
- The Edgar Cayce Handbook for Health Through Drugless Therapies, Harold J. Reilly and Ruth Hagy Brod
- An Edgar Cayce Health Anthology, A.R.E. Press
- An Edgar Cayce Health Primer, Sheila Miles
- An Edgar Cayce Home Medicine Guide, Anonymous
- The Edgar Cayce Ideals Workbook, Kevin J. Todeschi
- Edgar Cayce Library Series:
- Vol. 1 : On Life and Death
- Vol. 2 : Meditation, Part I
- Vol. 3 : Meditation, Part II
- Vol. 4 : Dreams and dreaming, Part I
- Vol. 5 : Dreams and dreaming, Part II
- Vol. 6 : Early Christian Epoch
- Vol. 7 : Study Group Readings
- Vol. 8 : Psychic Development
- Vol. 9 : Psychic Awareness
- Vol. 10 : Jesus the Pattern
- Vol. 11 : Christ Consciousness
- Vol. 12 : Daily Living
- Vol. 13 : Attitudes and Emotions, Part I (A - E)
- Vol. 14 : Attitudes and Emotions, Part II (F - L)
- Vol. 15 : Attitudes and Emotions, Part III (M - Z)
- Vol. 16 : Expanded Search for God, Part I
- Vol. 17 : Expanded Search for God, Part II
- Vol. 18 : Astrology, Part I
- Vol. 19 : Astrology, Part II
- Vol. 20 : Mind
- Vol. 21 : Soul Development
- Vol. 22 : Atlantis
- Vol. 23 : Egypt at the Time of Ra-Ta, Part I
- Vol. 24 : Egypt at the Time of Ra-Ta, Part II
- Edgar Cayce, Mystery Man of Miracles, Joseph Millard
- Edgar Cayce Mystic Visionary, Cheryl Leonard
- Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records, Kevin J. Todeschi
- Edgar Cayce on Angels, Archangels and the Unseen Forces (formerly Are We Listening to the Angels?), Robert Grant
- Edgar Cayce on Atlantis, Edgar Evans Cayce
- Edgar Cayce on Auras and Colors, Kevin Todeschi and Carol Ann Liaros
- Edgar Cayce on Channeling Your Higher Self, Henry Reed
- Edgar Cayce on the Dead Sea Scrolls, Glenn Kittler
- Edgar Cayce on Diet and Health, Ann Read, Margaret Gammon and Carol Ilstrup
- Edgar Cayce on Dreams, Harmon H. Bro
- Edgar Cayce on ESP, Doris Agee
- Edgar Cayce on Healing, Mary-Ellen Carter and William McGarey, M.D.
- Edgar Cayce on Healing Foods, William McGarey, M.D.
- Edgar Cayce on the Indigo Children, Peggy Day and Susan Gale
- Edgar Cayce on Jesus and His Church, Anne Read
- Edgar Cayce on the Life of Jesus Christ, Vincent Ortegon
- Edgar Cayce on the Lost City of Atlantis, Vincent Ortegon
- Edgar Cayce on Mastering your Spiritual Growth, Kevin J. Todeschi
- Edgar Cayce on the Millenium, Jess Stearn
- Edgar Cayce on Mysteries of the Mind, Henry Reed
- Edgar Cayce on the Mysterious Essenes, John Van Auken and Ruben Miller
- Edgar Cayce on Overcoming Fear and Anxiety (formerly Faces of Fear), Hugh Lynn Cayce
- Edgar Cayce on the Power of Color, Stones and Crystals, Dan Campbell
- Edgar Cayce on Prophecy, Mary Ellen Carter
- Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation, Noel Langley
- Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation and Family Karma , Kevin Todeschi (Russian)
- Edgar Cayce on Religion and Psychic Experience, Harmon Bro
- Edgar Cayce on the Reincarnation of Biblical Characters, Kevin Todeschi
- Edgar Cayce on the Reincarnation of Famous People, Kevin Todeschi
- Edgar Cayce on Rejuvenation of the Body, John Van Auken
- Edgar Cayce on Religion and Psychic Experience, Harmon H. Bro
- Edgar Cayce on the Revelation, John Van Auken
- Edgar Cayce on Secrets of the Universe, Lin Cochran
- Edgar Cayce on Soul Growth (formerly Soul Development), Kevin J. Todeschi
- Edgar Cayce on Soul Mates, Kevin J. Todeschi
- Edgar Cayce on Soul Symbolism (formerly Soul Signs), Kevin J. Todeschi
- Edgar Cayce on the Spiritual Forces Within You, John Van Auken
- Edgar Cayce on Vibrations, Kevin J. Todeschi
- The Edgar Cayce Primer, Herbert Puryear
- The Edgar Cayce Reader No 1, Hugh Lynn Cayce
- The Edgar Cayce Reader (No 2), Hugh Lynn Cayce
- The Edgar Cayce Remedies, William A. McGarey 1. 2. 3. 4.
- Edgar Cayce Revisited, Gina Cerminara
- The Edgar Cayce Way of Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis: Vibratory Medicine, Dudley Delany
- Edgar Cayce's Approach to Rejuvenation of the Body, John Van Auken
- Edgar Cayce's Astrology for the Soul (formerly Astrology and the Edgar Cayce Readings), Margaret Gammon & W.H. Church
- Edgar Cayce's Atlantis, Gregory Little, Lora Little and John Van Auken
- Edgar Cayce's Atlantis and Lemuria, Frank Joseph
- Edgar Cayce's Diet Plan for Optimal Health and Weight Loss, Simone Gabbay
- Edgar Cayce's Energy Medicine, Simone Gabbay
- Edgar Cayce's Diet & Recipe Guide (formerly The Normal Diet and A Diet Recipe Guide Based on the Edgar Cayce Readings), A.R.E. Press Editors
- Edgar Cayce's Egypt, A.R.E. Press Editors
- Edgar Cayce's Egyptian Energy Healing, Shelley Kaehr
- Edgar Cayce's ESP, Kevin J. Todeschi
- Edgar Cayce's Everyday Health, Carol A. Baraff
- Edgar Cayce's Famous Black Book, Anonymous
- Edgar Cayce's Guide to Colon Care, Sandra Duggan
- Edgar Cayce's Guide to Spirituality for Busy People, Mark Thurston
- Edgar Cayce's Herbal and First-Aid Remedies, Simone Gabbay
- Edgar Cayce's Hidden History of Jesus, Kirk Nelson
- Edgar Cayce's Massage Hydrotherapy & Healing Oils, Joseph Duggan and Sandra Duggan
- Edgar Cayce's Past Lives of Jesus: An Amazing Story, Glenn Sanderfur
- Edgar Cayce's Photographic Legacy, David Leary
- Edgar Cayce's Psychic Astrology, Vincent Ortegon
- Edgar Cayce's Quick and Easy Remedies, Elaine Hruska
- Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones, Shelley Kaehr
- Edgar Cayce's Secrets of Astrology, Kirk Nelson
- Edgar Cayce's Story of Attitudes and Emotions, Jeffrey Furst
- Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible (formerly a three-volume set under the title Edgar Cayce's Story of the Old Testament), Robert W. Krajenke
- Edgar Cayce's Story of Jesus, Jeffrey Furst
- Edgar Cayce's Story of Karma, Mary Ann Woodward
- Edgar Cayce's Story of the Old Testament (formerly titled Bible Trilogy), Robert W. Krajenke:
Vol. 1. From the Birth of Souls to the Death of Moses (formerly A Million Years to the Promised Land),
Vol. 2. From Joshua to the Golden Age of Solomon (formerly Man Crowned King),
Vol. 3. From Solomon's Glories to the Birth of Jesus (formerly Man the Messiah)
- Edgar Cayce's Story of the Origin and Destiny of Man, Lytle W. Robinson
- Edgar Cayce's Story of the Soul, W.H. Church
- Edgar Cayce's Tales of Ancient Egypt, John Van Auken
- Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet, Jess Stearn
- Edgar Cayce Speaks of Foods, Beverages, and Physical Health, Brett Bolton: see new title: An Edgar Cayce Encyclopedia of Foods for Health and Healing
- Edgar Cayce Thoughts for the Day, Kieth VonderOhe
- Egypt at the Time of Ra-Ta, Part I and Egypt at the Time of Ra-Ta, Part II: see Edgar Cayce Library Series, Vol. 23 and Vol. 24
- The Egyptian Heritage (Booklet), Mark Lehner
- Egyptian Myths and the Ra Ta Story (Booklet), Richard Roche
- Electrical Immune Therapy and Alzheiner's Disease, Bruce Baar
- Electrical Immune Therapy and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Bruce Baar
- Electrical Immune Therapy and Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Bruce Baar
- Electrical Immune Therapy and Parkinson's Disease, Bruce Baar
- The Encyclopedia of Symbolism, Kevin J. Todeschi
- The End Times, John Van Auken
- Epilepsy - Jody's Journey, Linda Caputi
- The Essenes and the Advent of Jesus, Jeffrey L. Imes
- The Essential Edgar Cayce, Mark Thurston
- Everyone is Psychic, Elizabeth Fuller
- Exercise, Rest, and Sleep, Simone Gabbay
- Expanded Search for God, Part I: see Edgar Cayce Library Series Vol 16
- Expanded Search for God, Part II: see Edgar Cayce Library Series Vol. 17
- Experience the Radiac, Bruce Baar
- Experiments in Practical Spirituality, Mark Thurston
- Experiments in a Search for God, Mark Thurston |
- Gems and Stones Based on the Edgar Cayce Readings, Ken Carley
- Give God a Chance: Christian Spirituality from the Edgar Cayce Readings, James K. Brown
- God at the Speed of Light, T. Lee Baumann, M.D.
- God in Real Life (republished as Divine Encounters), Kevin Todeschi
- The Golden Thread of Oneness, Jon Robertson
- The Great Migration: Emergence of the Americas as indicated in the readings of Edgar Cayce, Vada Carlson
- The Great Pyramid and Its Builders, Lytle W. Robinson
- 2038: The Great Pyramid Timeline Prophecy, John Van Auken
- The Great Teachings of Edgar Cayce, Mark Thurston
- The Greatest Story Never Told, Kirk Nelson
- Growing through Personal Crisis, Harmon Bro |
- The Handbook for A.R.E. Study Groups (Booklet), Anonymous
- Handbook for Educating in the New Age, Walene James
- Heal Arthritis - Physically, Mentally, Spiritually, William A. McGarey
- Healing Foods for Modern Ills, Simone Gabbay
- Healing Hands, Healing Words, Ray Cullis
- Healing the Mind and Using the Mind to Heal, Simone Gabbay
- Healing Miracles, William A. McGarey
- Healing Psoriasis, John Pagano
- Healing Through Meditation and Prayer, Meredith Ann Puryear
- Healing Touch: Edgar Cayce's Advice on Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Therapeutic Massage, and Hydrotherapy, Simone Gabbay
- Healthy for Life, Anne Hunt
- Heather's Return, Geri Colozzi Wiitala
- The Hidden History of Reincarnation, Noel Langley
- The Hidden Laws of Earth, Juliet B. Ballard
- The Hidden Meaning of Illness, Bob Trowbridge
- Hidden Teachings of Jesus, John Van Auken
- High Play, Turning On Without Drugs, Harmon H. Bro
- Holistic Healing and the Edgar Cayce Readings, Raymond Ouellette
- Hope Springs Eternal, David Atkinson
- How to Change Your Mind - Using Modern Psychological Methods and the Wisdom of Edgar Cayce, Peter Alimaras
- How to Interpret Your Dreams : Practical Techniques Based on the Edgar Cayce Approach, Mark A. Thurston
- Hugh Lynn Cayce: About My Father's Business, A. Robert Smith
- Humor from the Psychic (formerly Humor from the Edgar Cayce Readings), Hugh Lynn Cayce
- 123 Questions and Answers, Gladys Davis Turner and Mae Gimbert St Clair |
- In a Waking State, Richard Peterson
- In the Presence of Angels, Robert C. Smith
- Individual Reference File (a.k.a. the "Black Book": Extracts from the Edgar Cayce Readings, Gladys Davis Turner and Mae Gimbert St Clair
- The Inner Eye, Joan Wilson
- The Inner Power of Silence - A Universal Way to Meditation, Mark Thurston
- The Intelligent Heart, Bruce McArthur and David McArthur
- Interpreting the Revelation with Edgar Cayce, J. Everett Irion
- Intimates Through Time, Jess Stearn
- Intuition and Synchronicity, Hazel M. Denning
- Intuition Technologies, Carol Ann Liaros
- The Intuitive Heart, Henry Reed, Ph. D. and Brenda English
- Is it True What They Say About Edgar Cayce?, Lytle W. Robinson |
- The Law of Psychic Phenomena, Thomson J. Hudson
- On Life and Death: see Edgar Cayce Library Series, Vol. 1
- Life and Death, the Pilgrimage of the Soul, Harvey Green
- Life and Death and the Edgar Cayce Readings, Raymond Ouellette
- A Life of Jesus the Christ, Richard H. Drummond
- The Lightworker's Guide to Healing Grief, Tina Erwin
- Live Well, Sleep Well, Dan Campbell
- The Lives of Edgar Cayce, (formerly Many Happy Returns ) W. H. Church
- Lives of the Master, Glenn Sanderfur
- The Lost Hall of Records, John Van Auken and Lora Little
- The Lost Memoirs of Edgar Cayce - Life as a Seer, (republished as My Life as a Seer), A. Robert Smith
- Love - The Greatest Thing in the World, Henry Drummond
- Love and Roses from David, Robert J. Grant
- Love Relationships: A Moving Sea, Charles Thomas Cayce and Leslie Goodman Cayce
- Love Song from Beyond: A Voice from the Other Side, Inga Chesney |
- The Magdalene Diaries, Robert J. Grant
- Making Joint Decisions, Anne Hunt
- Man Crowned King: the Divine Drama Unfolds - Joshua to Solomon: see From Joshua to the Golden Age of Solomon, Robert W. Krajenke
- Man the Messiah: God's Plan fulfilled - The Kings, Prophets and Rebuilders: see From Solomon's Glories to the Birth of Jesus, Robert W. Krajenke
- Many Happy Returns (republished as The Lives of Edgar Cayce), W. H. Church
- Many Lives, Many Loves, Gina Cerminara
- Many Mansions, Gina Cerminara
- Marriage and the Home (Booklet), Rachel Runnels
- The Maya: Based on the Edgar Cayce Readings (Booklet), Carolyn Hatt
- Mayan Toltec Aztec Visions of Our Soul Life, John Van Auken
- Meditation, Part I: see Edgar Cayce Library Series, Vol. 2
- Meditation, Part II: see Edgar Cayce Library Series, Vol. 3
- Meditation, a Step Beyond with Edgar Cayce, M.E. Penny Baker
- Meditation - Gateway to Light, Elsie Sechrist
- Meditation and the Mind of Man, Herbert B. Puryear and Mark A. Thurston
- Meditation, Prayer and Affirmations, Edgar Cayce
- Meditation: The Light from Within, Harry Glover
- The Metamorphosis of Charles Mott, Per A. Madsen
- Miles to Go: The Spiritual Quest of Aging, Richard Peterson
- Millenium Prophecies: Predictions for the Coming Century from Edgar Cayce, Mark Thurston
- A Million Years to the Promised Land - Genesis Through Deuteronomy: see From the Birth of Souls to the Death of Moses, Robert W. Krajenke
- Mind: see Edgar Cayce Library Series, Vol. 20
- Mind as Builder, Mitch Horowitz
- Mind Is the Builder, Your Life Is the Result, Dick Daily
- The Miracle Oil, David E. Kukor
- Miss Gladys and the Edgar Cayce Legacy (republished as My Years wirh Edgar Cayce), Mary Ellen Carter
- More Great Teachings of Edgar Cayce, Mark Thurston
- Mound Builders - Edgar Cayce's Forgotten Record of Ancient America, John Van Auken, Gregory Little and Lora Little
- Music as the Bridge (Booklet), Shirley Rabb Winston
- My Kids Grow and So Do I, see A Parent's Toolbox for Spiritual Growth, Johanna Van Zwet
- My Life as a Seer (formerly The Lost Memoirs of Edgar Cayce - Life as a Seer), A. Robert Smith
- My Life with Edgar Cayce, David Kahn
- My Years wirh Edgar Cayce (formerly Miss Gladys and the Edgar Cayce Legacy), Mary Ellen Carter
- Mysteries of Atlantis Revisited, Edgar Evans Cayce, G. C. Schwartzer, and D. G. Richards
- Mythic Troy, Kevin J. Todeschi |
- The Paradox of Free Will, Mark Thurston
- Paradox of Power, see The Paradox of Free Will, Mark Thurston
- A Parent's Toolbox for Spiritual Growth (formerly My Kids Grow and So Do I, Johanna Van Zwet
- Passages in Consciousness, John Van Auken
- Passage to the Millenium, Mary Ellen Carter
- Past Lives and Present Karma, Ann Jaffin
- Path of Promise, Path of Peace, Barbara Paulin
- The Perfect Horoscope, John Willner
- The Persian Legacy and the Edgar Cayce Material, Kevin J. Todeschi
- A Physician's Diary - Case Histories of Hope and Healing with Edgar Cayce's and Other Natural Remedies, Dana Myatt
- Physician's Reference Notebook, William McGarey
- The Physician Within You, Gladys McGarey and Jess Stearn
- Piercing Time & Space, Traci L. Slatton
- The Place We Call Home, Robert J. Grant
- Planetary Influences, Edgar Cayce
- The Plan that Fell from Heaven, Mary Lacroix
- Pole Shift, John White
- The Power of Your Mind, Edgar Cayce
- Practical Wisdom from Kabbalah, Elliot Chiprut
- Principles & Techniques of Nerve Regeneration - Alzheimer's Disease & the Dementias (Based on the Edgar Cayce Health Methods), David McMillin
- Prophecies Converging in our Times, John Van Auken (Kindle)
- A Prophet in His Own Country, the Story of the Young Edgar Cayce, Jess Stearn
- Psychic Awareness: see Edgar Cayce Library Series, Vol. 9
- Psychic Development: see Edgar Cayce Library Series, Vol. 8
- The Psychic Sense, Edgar Cayce
- A Psychology of the Soul, Herbert Puryear
- The Radial Appliance and Wet Cell Battery: Two Electrotherapeutic Devices Recommended by Edgar Cayce, David McMillin (Free PDF version)
- Reflections of Gladness - A collection of memories of Gladys Davis Micki Kluge
- Reflections on the Path, Herbert B. Puryear
- Reincarnation, Claiming Your Past, Creating Your Future, Lynn E. Sparrow
- Reincarnation and Karma, Edgar Cayce
- Reincarnation and Karma - Our Soul's Past-Life Influences, John Van Auken
- The Reincarnation of Clara, Kevin Todeschi
- The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?, Wynn Free with David Wilcock
- Reincarnation Unnecessary, Violet Shelley
- Relieve Your Aching Head, Anne Hunt
- The Remnant, Mary Lacroix
- The Return of Edgar Cayce, C. Terry Cline Jr.
- The Return of Frances Willard, Jeffrey Furst
- Revelation - A Commentary Based on a Study of Twenty-Three Psychic Discourses by Edgar Cayce, Anonymous
- The River of Time (Vol. 2 of The Creation Trilogy), Eula Allen
- Sacred Journey: Edgar Cayce, the Bible, and the Path to Enlightenment, M.K. Welsch
- Saving Your Skin, Anne Hunt
- Scars of the Soul, Mary Ann Woodward
- The Scented Veil, Carly Wall
- The Search for the Girl with the Blue Eyes, Jess Stearn
- A Search for God - Book I, Anonymous
- A Search for God - Book II, Anonymous
- A Search for God, Books I & II (50th Anniversary Edition), Anonymous (Kindle - Audio)
- A Search for God - Book III, Anonymous
- A Search for God Paraphrased, Books I & II, L. Nelson Farley
- In Search of Healing, William A. McGarey
- The Second Coming 1998, Kirk Nelson
- Secrets of the Ancient World, John Van Auken, Lora Little and Gregory Little
- The Secret Vaults of Time, Stephan Schwartz
- A Seer Out of Season: The Life Of Edgar Cayce, Harmon H. Bro
- Sex and the Spiritual Path, Herbert B. Puryear
- 16 Clues to Your Past Lives!, Barbara Lane
- Sons of Darkness, Sons of Light, Mary LaCroix
- Soul Development (republished as Edgar Cayce on Soul Growth), Kevin Todeschi
- Soul Development: see Edgar Cayce Library Series, Vol. 21
- Soulful Parenting, Susan Gale and Peggy Day
- Soul in Progress, Dorian Caruso
- Soul Purpose: Discovering and Fulfilling Your Destiny, Mark Thurston
- Soul Search - The Healing Possibilities of Past Lives, Edward Klein
- Soul and Spirit, Edgar Cayce
- Soul Signs (republished as Edgar Cayce on Soul Symbolism), Kevin Todeschi
- Spiritual Breakthrough, John Van Auken
- Spiritual Healing, Edgar Cayce
- Spiritual Power, Healing Hands, Malcolm Smith and Robert Krajenke
- Spiritual Power Points, Robert Krajenke
- The Spiritual Purpose of the Physical Universe, Jeffrey L. Imes
- Spiritual Secrets of Learning to Love, Lin Cochran
- Step by Step - A Guide to A Search for God, Book I, Anonymous
- A Story of Jesus, Clifford Owens
- Story Time with Edgar Cayce, Karla Peterson and Leslie Cayce
- Stranger in the Earth, Thomas Sugrue
- Study Group Readings: see Edgar Cayce Library Series, Vol. 7.
- The Sun and the Shadow, Kenneth Kelzer
- Symbols - Guiding Lights Along the Journey of Life, Kathleen R. Prata
- Symbols and the Self (Booklet), Violet Shelley
- Synchronicity as Spiritual Guidance, Mark Thurston
- The Tabernacle as a Model for Meditation, Samuel Danceys
- There is a River, Thomas Sugrue
- There Will Your Heart Be Also, William McGarey and Gladys McGarey
- Think on These Things, Anonymous
- Thought Patterns: Change the Ones That Don't Work, Create the Ones That Do, Robert C. Smith
- Toward a Deeper Meditation, John Van Auken
- Toward a New Astrology: The Approach of Edgar Cayce, Ry Redd
- Transformed Lives, Joseph Dunn
- Treasures from Earth's Storehouse, Juliet B. Ballard
- The Treatment of Depression - A Holistic Approach Based on the Edgar Cayce Health Methods, David McMillin
- The Treatment of Schizophrenia - A Holistic Approach Based on the Edgar Cayce Health Methods, David McMillin
- True Tales from the Edgar Cayce Archives, Sidney D. Kirkpatrick
- The Truth Within You, Wendell Charles Beane
- Twelve Lessons in Personal Spirituality, Kevin J. Todeschi
- Twelve Positive Habits of Spiritually Centered People, Mark Thurston and Sarah Thurston |
- The Way of Knowingness, Kim O'Neill
- We Are Never Alone, Anthony Quinata
- We Live Forever, P.M.H. Atwater
- Weight No More, Anne Hunt
- What I Believe, Edgar Cayce
- When Illness Strikes, Elaine Hruska
- When the Last Trumpet is Sounded, Ruth de Cormis LeNoir
- Why am I Here?, Joyce Keller
- Window to God, T. Lee Baumann
- Winning the Cold War, Anne Hunt
- With this Gift: The Story of Edgar Cayce, Anne E. Neimark
- Who Was Who: A Past-Life Directory Based on the Edgar Cayce Discourses, Elyse Curtis
- The Work of Edgar Cayce as Seen Through His Letters, Charles Thomas Cayce and Jeanette M. Thomas
- The World Within, Gina Cerminara
- Why am I Here?, Joyce Keller
- Why Do We Dream?, J. Everett Irion
- Why Jesus Taught Reincarnation, Herbert B. Puryear
- A Woman's Spiritual Odyssey, Rose Anna |
There are no titles starting with the letter "X" |
- Yoga, Youth & Reincarnation, Jess Stearn
- You Are Forever (Vol. 3 of The Creation Trilogy), Eula Allen
- You Can Remember Your Past Lives, Robert C. Smith
- Your Dream of Recovery, Shelly Marshall
- Your Key to Good Health, Elaine Hruska
- Your Life - Why it is the way it is and what you can do about it, Bruce McArthur
- Your Mind - Unlocking Your Hidden Powers (formerly Edgar Cayce on Mysteries of the Mind), Henry Reed
- Your Shadow, Robin Robertson
- The Yucatan Hall of Records (DVD) (Streaming), Gregory L. Little |
There are no titles starting with the letter "Z" |
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